plnaugle: 2013-09-21 Adam Bellow and Me
plnaugle: 2013-09-21 PLN Members Heading to Bammys
plnaugle: 2013-09-21 Bill Krakower (my Twitter son) and Me
plnaugle: 2013-09-21 Bill Krakower and Me
plnaugle: 2013-09-21 Jenn and Bill Krakower
plnaugle: 2013-09-21 Bill and Jenn Krakower
plnaugle: 2013-09-21 Amanda C. Dykes and Adam Bellow (sporting his Google Glass)
plnaugle: 2013-09-21 Mallory Fundora and Her Parents Heading to the Bammys
plnaugle: 2013-09-21 Mallory Fundora - A Bammy Winner (and me)
plnaugle: 2013-09-21 Our Limo Ride to the Bammys
plnaugle: 2013-09-21 Members of My PLN at the Bammys
plnaugle: 2013-09-21 The Youth Orchestra at the Bammys
plnaugle: 2013-09-21 Shannon and Rob Miller
plnaugle: 2013-09-21 Dan and Beth Callahan
plnaugle: 2013-09-21 Bill and Jenn Krakower
plnaugle: 2013-09-21 Angela Maiers and Mark Moran
plnaugle: 2013-09-21 Angela Maiers and Mark Moran
plnaugle: Tom Whitby, Adam Bellow, and Steve Anderson at Our Bammy Tweetup
plnaugle: Susan Beardon, Dana Sirotiak, Bill Krakower, and Me Doing #satchat
plnaugle: Keeping up with #satchat While in D.C.
plnaugle: Dana Sirotiak(@Sirotiak02) and Tom Murray(@thomascmurray)
plnaugle: Lisa Nielsen and Deven Black
plnaugle: Jenn and Bill Krakower
plnaugle: Pernille and Brandon Ripp
plnaugle: It Was Delicious Guac
plnaugle: My Bammy Ticket
plnaugle: And the Bammy Award Goes to...
plnaugle: Mark Moran and Angela Maiers
plnaugle: Shelly Terrell, Bill Krakower, and Me
plnaugle: D.C. Night Lights