PLG64: At Islip waiting to bord the plane
PLG64: Arriving in Baltimore
PLG64: After dinner waiting to board the bus back to BWI
PLG64: Dinner at Golden Coral
PLG64: These guys had had enough:)
PLG64: Arlington
PLG64: Changing of the guard
PLG64: Changing of the guard
PLG64: Some VERY proud Vets watching
PLG64: The two Vets to the left in Blue shirts were from middle TN
PLG64: Thw wheel chair brigade
PLG64: Air Force Memorial
PLG64: Air Force
PLG64: The figure on the right is a woman/Air Force
PLG64: Directly beneath the burst
PLG64: The burst
PLG64: WWll and current serving Marines at the Iwo Jima Memorial
PLG64: Iwo Jima
PLG64: Photographer
PLG64: Sy Schenker USN, the Vet I had the privilege of escorting to DC
PLG64: Getting ready for the group photo at the WWll Memorial
PLG64: American and Russian forces when they met up in Berlin
PLG64: The relief depicting the Invasion of Normany
PLG64: I learned so much here from these vets as they were telling their stories about the scenes depicted in thses reliefs!.
PLG64: Group photo at their Memorial
PLG64: What a special group of men!!
PLG64: Part of the WWll Memorial
PLG64: Sy