frans63: Spotlight
Hildegard Spickenbaum: wir menschen so klein ( zwei Fensterputzer)
marionkaminski: atemberaubender Blick....
frans63: Bijna zomer
gilliesavo. Catching up :): Foot loose and fancy free
Pinky0173: Fullhouse
flori schilcher: Der Ansitz
flori schilcher: Feuerlöscher
AlanHowe :): Seaham Beach
frank_w_aus_l: Rocks of Saint Mathieu
deldevries: rain drop on peach blossom
le cabri: Wine Glass Refraction Pattern
Michael-Horn: In der Falknerei-2
Nige (NiiiiiJ): Little Cutie
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *Valley of Fire @ White Domes Canyon*
Tonino A: Le ciel, le soleil et la mer....enfin!!
paolo paccagnella: ..come back..
T Hi: Passing Through (Chaos Ensues)
Marian Smeets: The photographer
PeeblesPair: Crummock Water
Bob C Images: Views along the Elbe River
clopon3: Fraîchement sortie ....
impossiblejoker: Abendlicht
Marcus-Thomas: Brandung
arcobytech22: streets of Girona
ewaldtitze: running moon
paullangton: Texture