Pleun*: Winter
Pleun*: When the lakes freeze over, the Dutch go nuts
Pleun*: When the lakes freeze over, the Dutch go nuts
Pleun*: When the lakes freeze over, the Dutch go nuts
Pleun*: When the lakes freeze over, the Dutch go nuts
Pleun*: When the lakes freeze over, the Dutch go nuts
Pleun*: When the lakes freeze over, the Dutch go nuts
Pleun*: Ice
Pleun*: schaatsen in Delftse Hout
Pleun*: Ice skating
Pleun*: Ice skating
Pleun*: Winter
Pleun*: Ice skating
Pleun*: Ice skating
Pleun*: Winter
Pleun*: Not ice skating
Pleun*: Ice skating
Pleun*: schaatsen
Pleun*: Ice skating
Pleun*: Ice skating:-)
Pleun*: ducks and ...
Pleun*: Bosbaan
Pleun*: Food! Get out of my way!
Pleun*: Amsterdamse Bosbaan
Pleun*: Winter
Pleun*: Iceskating
Pleun*: Iceskating
Pleun*: Walk in the neighbourhood
Pleun*: Photographer on ice
Pleun*: winter