PLeia2: First keynote by @benh, on the state of @ApacheMesos #MesosCon
PLeia2: We found the secret rum bar /cc @cantbewong 😉
PLeia2: Going pure UCR has lots of pros, but also some cons... via @woodchips #MesosCon
PLeia2: Here we go, last talk! #MesosCon
PLeia2: Now @noizenheimer adds in the @OpenWhisk bits #MesosCon
PLeia2: First piece: Mesos actor (Akka) demo by @noizenheimer #MesosCon
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PLeia2: 2017-09-15_04-09-08
PLeia2: Time for @noizenheimer & @dragosche on @OpenWhisk! #MesosCon
PLeia2: All the Marathon tips from @janiszt! #MesosCon
PLeia2: 2017-09-15_02-50-31
PLeia2: We love the 🎉 Twitter doesn't go down! 🎉 bit 😉 #MesosCon
PLeia2: 2017-09-15_02-24-06
PLeia2: Use machine learning to tune the cluster! Bayesian Optimization, via @ysr1729 #MesosCon
PLeia2: A performance stack at Twitter, via @ysr1729 #MesosCon
PLeia2: Twitter runs on [a lot of!] microservices, via @ysr1729 #MesosCon
PLeia2: 2017-09-15_02-00-56
PLeia2: Tacos 😋
PLeia2: Mock Mesos example
PLeia2: 2017-09-15_11-58-27
PLeia2: What is simulation testing? And use of Cook. Now in @WYegelwel's #MesosCon talk!
PLeia2: Separate tiers based on how quickly resources need to be allocated, via @podila #MesosCon
PLeia2: Scaling up a cluster is relatively easy, scaling down is harder, via @podila #MesosCon
PLeia2: To begin, @podila asks a few questions about your @ApacheMesos cluster #MesosCon
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PLeia2: 2017-09-15_10-09-40
PLeia2: Now we have @rgardler on stage to talk about where we are & ask "Are we there yet?" #MesosCon