PLeia2: 2017-06-03_06-59-54
PLeia2: 2017-06-03_07-24-14
PLeia2: 2017-06-03_06-15-31
PLeia2: Goodbye baseball ❤️❤️⚾⚾
PLeia2: All three of us 😀⚾⚾ #phanatic
PLeia2: Dragged MJ in for a photo post game 😉⚾⚾
PLeia2: 2017-06-03_07-00-13
PLeia2: 2017-06-03_06-58-35
PLeia2: 2017-06-03_06-53-31
PLeia2: 2017-06-03_06-44-55
PLeia2: I'm just gonna watch the strange, green, feathered critter now #phanatic ⚾
PLeia2: 2017-06-03_06-09-36
PLeia2: 2017-06-03_05-53-03
PLeia2: Beautiful day and nice to see the Phillies showed up to play baseball today 😜⚾
PLeia2: 2017-06-03_05-11-43
PLeia2: 2017-06-03_05-09-48
PLeia2: 2017-06-03_05-09-38
PLeia2: 2017-06-03_04-48-31
PLeia2: 2017-06-03_04-15-41
PLeia2: Play ball 😀⚾⚾⚾
PLeia2: See my hat from before my move? Amplifying my treachery to blend in with the natives ⚾😜
PLeia2: Big, green muppet driving around 😜⚾ #phanatic
PLeia2: Yaaaaay! ⚾
PLeia2: We're here! ⚾
PLeia2: Going to the baseball! 😀⚾