PLeia2: 2017-03-06_08-36-35
PLeia2: What remains of our #Ubuntu dim sum lunch :d
PLeia2: Now @mhall119 speaks on what "Sponsored by Canonical" means to #Ubuntu and the community #UbuCon #scale15x
PLeia2: These happened :d
PLeia2: Time to get set up for my @Xubuntu talk!
PLeia2: All set up for my @Xubuntu talk! #ubucon #scale15x
PLeia2: Good morning, Pasadena!
PLeia2: Farewell #scale15x and friends, until next time!
PLeia2: Now @fuzzychef on statefulness in containers #scale15x
PLeia2: All set up for my talk! #scale15x
PLeia2: Now for @vmbrasseur on Passing the Baton: Succession planning for FOSS leadership #scale15x
PLeia2: Minion talk
PLeia2: "Make sure your API is reliable." via @AmbassadorAwsum (seems obvious, but ugh!) #scale15x
PLeia2: 2017-03-04_11-09-08
PLeia2: "Inclusive empowering in open source will positively shape our social landscape moving forward and change our political landscape" #scale15x
PLeia2: Open source has innovative ways doing things we can use elsewhere #scale15x
PLeia2: Our day begins with an Open Source as Activism keynote by Christine Corbett Moran #scale15x
PLeia2: Time for the Saturday keynote! #scale15x
PLeia2: With my #Ubuntu book co-author @JoseeAntonioR #scale15x
PLeia2: .@JoseeAntonioR signing our #Ubuntu book!
PLeia2: 2017-03-06_08-56-29
PLeia2: 2017-03-06_08-55-21
PLeia2: 2017-03-06_08-55-09
PLeia2: 2017-03-06_08-54-56
PLeia2: 2017-03-06_08-54-45
PLeia2: 2017-03-06_08-54-35
PLeia2: 2017-03-06_08-54-22
PLeia2: 2017-03-06_08-54-09
PLeia2: 2017-03-06_08-53-51
PLeia2: 2017-03-06_08-53-30