PLeia2: 2017-04-26_08-53-53
PLeia2: 2017-04-26_02-21-17
PLeia2: All set up for my talk on Day 2 Operations of Cloud-Native Systems! ☁️🔌
PLeia2: 2017-04-26_01-06-37
PLeia2: Lunch complete, onward to @crayzeigh on "Managing Fires: Leadership's role in incident mgmt" #DevOpsDays
PLeia2: 2017-04-26_11-41-33
PLeia2: Now @pm_suzie on "Continuous Integration: a bittersweet love story." #DevOpsDays
PLeia2: Next up, "DevOpsing in a Microsoft World" by @scottnasello #DevOpsDays
PLeia2: 2017-04-26_10-03-56
PLeia2: Now "DevOps in politics" from @nellshamrell #DevOpsDays
PLeia2: First talk of the day! @RealGeneKim on "The Top Things I’ve Learned Since The Phoenix Project Came Out." #DevOpsDays
PLeia2: 2017-04-26_09-13-49
PLeia2: 2017-04-26_09-07-21
PLeia2: 2017-04-26_09-11-17
PLeia2: 2017-04-26_09-01-36
PLeia2: 2017-04-26_08-54-18
PLeia2: Woo, all checked in
PLeia2: Now a talk from @chrisvantuin on Compliance and Vulnerability Audits for Containers #DevOpsDays
PLeia2: 2017-04-27_02-33-17
PLeia2: 2017-04-27_02-33-12
PLeia2: Fun coffee + devops ignite talk from @gitbisect 😁 #DevOpsDays #Seattle
PLeia2: Lunch complete, now @tpryan on "Driving Technical Change" #DevOpsDays
PLeia2: Now @everydaykanban on "Taming the chaos: After the quick wins" #DevOpsDays
PLeia2: Now "How to elevate your contributions as an Ops Engineer" by @DarkAndNerdy #DevOpsDays
PLeia2: Now @sarah_shewell & @suzannenielsenT on "From Waterfall to River – A story of transitioning" #DevOpsDays
PLeia2: 2017-04-27_09-44-41
PLeia2: 2017-04-27_09-23-10
PLeia2: First talk of the day, @jezhumble on "Continuous Delivery Sounds Great But It Won’t Work Here" #DevOpsDays
PLeia2: Day 2 of @DevOpsDaysSEA 😃 #DevOpsDays
PLeia2: Speaker names on the back of the conference shirts? Aww, thanks @DevOpsDaysSEA!