PLeia2: 2017-01-03_07-19-02
PLeia2: Day 2 is a wrap, already having a good time here at @mesosphere :)
PLeia2: There's a big pupper under my desk :D
PLeia2: I now have a box of nerf-y darts as my desk. Oh nooo.
PLeia2: My desk has trains
PLeia2: Mmm breakfast burrito morning
PLeia2: Ooh, crepes for lunch 😋
PLeia2: Now we have a @dcos OSS team room sign! And yes, there really are cookies 🍪🍪🍪
PLeia2: All set up for our meetup :D
PLeia2: Mmm, pie for pi day 😋
PLeia2: I like crepe day 😋
PLeia2: Gilbert Song kicks things off tonight by talking about @ApacheMesos 1.2!
PLeia2: Gilbert Song now talks about the Universal Container Runtime (UCR)
PLeia2: Now @sebp joins us to talk about @dcos 1.9 #dcos
PLeia2: Not only is there a tree in here, it has a fluffy panda in it #mesosphere
PLeia2: .@sebp shows off the brighter UI with #dcos 1.9
PLeia2: New deployments debugging UI in #dcos 1.9
PLeia2: Now Mike Oberlin from @InstanaHQ!
PLeia2: The evening kicks off with @amitaekbote giving an introduction to @dcos! #dcos
PLeia2: A quick tour of the @dcos web GUI by @amitaekbote #dcos
PLeia2: Now @xinh_huynh presents a big data demo on @dcos #dcos
PLeia2: .@xinh_huynh doing some data analytics with Zeppelin, all running on @dcos
PLeia2: Crepe day! 😋
PLeia2: Sitting by the window taking pictures of streetcars, yep ...and working!
PLeia2: And @ju_stroh's autoscaler works! 👏 #dcos
PLeia2: And @ju_stroh shows off his autoscaler! #dcos
PLeia2: And now @portwx on @dcos on @azure!
PLeia2: And we have @dcos on @Azure!
PLeia2: Now @RBagby talks about Azure Container Service #dcos
PLeia2: Beer fridge 😋🍻