PLeia2: All checked in! #ohiolinux
PLeia2: Now a talk on container vulnerabilities by @matt_k_williams #ohiolinux
PLeia2: 2018-10-13_01-09-04
PLeia2: Next up we have Mike Kwiatkowski w/ Electronics for IoT Projects #ohiolinux
PLeia2: Settled in for a talk by @linuxfu on creating PXE boot environments w/ TinyCore #ohiolinux
PLeia2: Day 2 kicks off w/ @bridgetkromhout on how containers won't fix your broken culture #ohiolinux
PLeia2: Back at the pizzeria where we ate w/ @JoseeAntonioR & @nathanhandler miss you guys! #columbus
PLeia2: Traditional (not software!) Engineering, Open Sourced by Joel Graff #ohiolinux
PLeia2: Next up, @silug talking about SIMP #ohiolinux
PLeia2: Afternoon sessions begin by talking about network-bound disk encryption #ohiolinux
PLeia2: 2018-10-12_12-57-14
PLeia2: Rooms at conferences ❄️ but this place offers scarves! #ohiolinux
PLeia2: 2018-10-12_10-23-56
PLeia2: The monolithic integration system at Ohio State replaced with #Kubernetes #GitLab #Jenkins & other open source #ohiolinux
PLeia2: 2018-10-12_10-15-34
PLeia2: Iterative Innovation #ohiolinux
PLeia2: Friday track kicks off with @ClayDowling on "Team Health for fun and profit" #ohiolinux