PLeia2: Haz birthday cake :D
PLeia2: I may be watching streetcars while waiting for the zoo to open ;)
PLeia2: 2016-09-25_09-31-32
PLeia2: 2016-09-25_09-14-23
PLeia2: 2016-09-25_09-14-15
PLeia2: 2016-09-25_09-14-05
PLeia2: A streetcar (trolley) AND the @phillyzoo :D
PLeia2: Aaand done with the pool :)
PLeia2: Now, pool!
PLeia2: Hotel dreadmill this morning
PLeia2: Crissi and Lyz
PLeia2: I totally just said my drink is "made of pink delicious" #birthday
PLeia2: My name is on the menu :D
PLeia2: Aw @DunkinDonuts is celebrating my birthday ;)
PLeia2: Core Creek Park, Longhorns, PA
PLeia2: Autumn in Pennsylvania is pretty great
PLeia2: Yep, this is a good place to run :)
PLeia2: Back with my tiny canine work buddy