PLeia2: It begins! #lisa18
PLeia2: Last regular talk of #LISA18 before closing keynotes! @itdirector on "Reborn in IT"
PLeia2: Now in @stevemushero's "Taking Over & Managing Large Messy Systems" #LISA18
PLeia2: 2018-10-31_12-02-59
PLeia2: Operational Excellence in April Fools’ Pranks: Being Funny Is Serious Work! #lisa18
PLeia2: Now Sabice Arkenvirr on "We Already Have Nice Things, Use Them!" #lisa18
PLeia2: Time for @patcable on "Securing a Security Company" #lisa18
PLeia2: 😍 DIY ️️🐼👕 #lisa18
PLeia2: Now @rhatdan on Container Security, room is packed! #lisa18
PLeia2: 2018-10-30_11-30-54
PLeia2: KC Braunschweig on "The History of Logging @ Facebook" #lisa18
PLeia2: Next keynote, @jsnover on Building Software in an Age of Social Responsibility #LISA18
PLeia2: 2018-10-30_09-15-03
PLeia2: Excited to hear from @SarahCortes on Anatomy of a Crime. TOR! Darknet! Security! #lisa18
PLeia2: Time for some #lisa18 lightning talks! ⚡
PLeia2: Now for @drmorr0 from Yelp on Getting the Most Out of Your #ApacheMesos #lisa18
PLeia2: 2018-10-29_04-56-48
PLeia2: Container solutions for HPC via @mej0 #lisa18
PLeia2: 2018-10-29_04-42-43
PLeia2: Hearing from @mej0 now on containers and security on HPC systems #LISA18
PLeia2: I'm session chair for a few talks, first on "Passing the Torch" by @rbowen #lisa18
PLeia2: Hearing from @unixgeekem now on "How to Be Your Security Team's Best Friend" #LISA18
PLeia2: SRE time baseline results from a survey at LinkedIn via @drkurta #lisa18
PLeia2: "Recovery is a better strategy than prevention" failure will happen, via @relix42 #LISA18
PLeia2: Time for the keynote from Tameika Reed of @womeninlinux! #lisa18
PLeia2: Keynotes begin with @jonmasters on Meltdown and Spectre #LISA18
PLeia2: All checked in! #lisa18