PLeia2: Almost keynote time #OpenStack
PLeia2: Now Post Merge QA & Infra session (I moved to the other side of the room!) #OpenStack
PLeia2: Infra/QA session on Gating (tests we run before merging) Relationships #OpenStack
PLeia2: The infra-manual session #OpenStack
PLeia2: Party in France.
PLeia2: Third party CI discussion led by @anteaya and @kurtrtaylor
PLeia2: Can you guess when the #OpenStack Design Summit began? ;)
PLeia2: "Moving Functional Tests to Projects" session crowd #OpenStack
PLeia2: 348 Data nodes specs at Tapjoy #OpenStack
PLeia2: 4 #OpenStack Icehouse deployments, largest over 70,000 cores on 3,000 servers at CERN
PLeia2: Sticky notes! #OpenStack #Women
PLeia2: Awake early, but these adorable napkins make it totally worth it ;D #OpenStack
PLeia2: Met up with Carlos and Andreas to chat about translations tools
PLeia2: Ops Summit has begun! #OpenStack
PLeia2: Woo, BMW on #OpenStack
PLeia2: Checked in at the HP booth #hpcloud #openstack
PLeia2: James E. Blair gives a demo of gertty #OpenStack
PLeia2: After lunch the work continues! #OpenStack
PLeia2: Last day of the #OpenStack summit! Infra/QA/Release Management meetup today.
PLeia2: Storyboard session time #OpenStack
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