PLeia2: DSC03475
PLeia2: "The world consists of cats, faces & other things." Autolearning on youtube videos. Right on :) #rp2014
PLeia2: Peter Norvig via G+ on "The unreasonable effectiveness of data" #rp2013
PLeia2: @nathanhandler, @pleia2 & @paultag at @acmreflections #rp2013
PLeia2: Now "What happened to the human brain" #rp2013
PLeia2: Hey, that's Ubuntu at the Blue Waters facility!
PLeia2: With Blue Waters!
PLeia2: Sweet, they use Ubuntu at Blue Waters!
PLeia2: OMG supercomputing coloring book!
PLeia2: National petascale computing facility \o/
PLeia2: Now it's time for my talk! #rp2013
PLeia2: Go go dia #rp2013
PLeia2: Yay, Debian talk by @paultag #rp2013
PLeia2: Woo hanging out with @nhandler and @paultag #rp2013
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