Комсомолка времён Великой Отечественной войны | Soviet Komsomol Member From The Time Of The WWII
Из серии "Типы Московской Руси времён Тишайшего Царя". "Царевна" | The Types Of Moscovite Tsardom From The Time Of The Silent Tsar. Mid 17th Century Series. Tsarevna (The Russian Younger Grand Duchess). Reenactment
"Жорик: возвращение домой. 1941 год" | Zhorik: Coming Back Home In 1941. Reenactment. Moscow. Russia
"Станичники: Казачьи напевы" | The Stanichniki (The Cossack Settlement Inhabitants): The Old Cossacks' Songs. A Lil' Scene From The Prerevolutionary Don Cossacks' Life. Reenactment
"Станичники: Непредвиденный случай". Групповой портрет | " The Stanichniki (The Cossack Settlement Inhabitants): An Incident In Stanitsa". A Lil' Scene From Don Cossack Prerevolutionary Life. Group Portrait. Re-enactment
"Трудный разговор". Групповой портрет | "A Hard Talk". A Lil' Scene From The Don Cossacks' Prerevolutionary Life. Group Portrait. Re-enactment
"В станице". Групповой портрет | "In Stanitsa (Ancient Cossack Settlement). Cossack Man and Wife. A Lil' Scene From The Don Cossack Prerevolutionary Life". Group Portrait. Re-enactment