Plastic Pirates: Field of Battle
Plastic Pirates: The Soviet Horde
Plastic Pirates: German Panzer IIs deploy
Plastic Pirates: You take the high road
Plastic Pirates: T-40s push past casualty
Plastic Pirates: German StuGs in the woods
Plastic Pirates: Panzer IIs advance
Plastic Pirates: StuG burns
Plastic Pirates: For the glory of Stalin
Plastic Pirates: No, seriously, where are the Italian tanks?
Plastic Pirates: Hungarian tanks wait and wait and wait
Plastic Pirates: Burning tanks everywhere
Plastic Pirates: Infantry destroys a Panzer II - reworked
Plastic Pirates: Infantry destroys a Panzer II
Plastic Pirates: Soviet anti tank rifles
Plastic Pirates: Germans prepare for Soviet onslaught
Plastic Pirates: Rob John Dave plan strategy
Plastic Pirates: Burning Soviet tanks
Plastic Pirates: German road block
Plastic Pirates: German tanks stop Soviets at the bridge
Plastic Pirates: Soviet assault burns
Plastic Pirates: Burning German Armor
Plastic Pirates: Burning tanks on bridge
Plastic Pirates: Soviet Armor in town