The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: sizing up the baby
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: what are you doing, Daddy
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: PicTapGo-Image.jpg
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: doing mommy's hair
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: doing mommy's hair
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: doing mommy's hair
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: doing mommy's hair
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: doing mommy's hair
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: doing mommy's hair
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: doing mommy's hair
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: after school conversations
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: Cool James plays bball
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: Dinosaurs: Unextinct at the L.A. Zoo
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: Dinosaurs: Unextinct at the L.A. Zoo
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: James shows me his tongue