The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: Tiny socks are still too big
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: little swollen body
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: giant diaper and socks
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: Doing her Elvis impression
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: Mike's hand could cover her whole body
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: chubby swollen face
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: holding her for the first time
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: holding her for the first time
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: holding her for the first time
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: holding her for the first time
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: holding her for the first time
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: Our first family picture
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: holding her for the first time
The Spohrs Are Multiplying...: holding her for the first time