Tom Coates:
Fiona's breakfast at the Ginger café
Tom Coates:
Mr Jones ponders breakfast
Tom Coates:
Just another one of those Yolk-popping beats
Tom Coates:
Jones' schmutz-covered eggfest
Tom Coates:
Mr Jones at Kiwi Foo
Tom Coates:
Papercamp session at Kiwi Foo
Tom Coates:
Papercamp session at Kiwi Foo
Tom Coates:
Warkworth Lodge
Tom Coates:
Warkworth Lodge
Tom Coates:
Fiona's iPod
Tom Coates:
Mahurangi College
Tom Coates:
Electric Racing Car
Tom Coates:
The Replicator
Tom Coates:
Tom Coates:
David Recordon
Tom Coates:
Wide-angle Electric Car
Tom Coates:
Kiwi Foo
Tom Coates:
Green-lipped Mussels
Tom Coates:
The beach
Tom Coates:
Looking for food
Tom Coates:
Tom Coates:
Matt Jones ridden by a Cicada
Tom Coates:
Auckland trees
Tom Coates:
Aukland Golden Hour (Morning)
Tom Coates:
Interesting bottle design
Tom Coates:
Tom Coates:
The blackness
Tom Coates:
Wellington ducks
Tom Coates:
Wellington has a (web) posse
Tom Coates:
Matt Biddulph