Tom Coates: At SFO...
Tom Coates: Symmetry on a plane...
Tom Coates: This photo is too dark and clumsy...
Tom Coates: Cleopatra greets us to Caesar's Palace...
Tom Coates: Epic horse sculpture...
Tom Coates: The succubus of Victoria's Secret...
Tom Coates: More Caesar's Palace lunacy...
Tom Coates: More Wondrous Shopping Ahead...
Tom Coates: The philosophical Kevin Cheng...
Tom Coates: At the IA Summit...
Tom Coates: The elusive Andy Budd...
Tom Coates: Vegas at night...
Tom Coates: The Flamingo hotel from the IA Summit...
Tom Coates: Pink glass at the Flamingo...
Tom Coates: The cab line at the Flamingo...
Tom Coates: Jay Morgan at the IA Summit...
Tom Coates: Our panel on the schedule...
Tom Coates: After hours: The Star Trek Experience..
Tom Coates: Matt and a Klingon...
Tom Coates: The Enterprise at the Star Trek Experience...
Tom Coates: Like something from Logan's Run...
Tom Coates: Slot machines...
Tom Coates: One of the (fake) skylight / windows in the Paris casino in Las Vegas...
Tom Coates: Signage within the absurd 'Paris' casino...
Tom Coates: Caesar's Palace...
Tom Coates: The streets of Las Vegas...
Tom Coates: The view down the strip in Las Vegas from the top of the Eiffel Tower...
Tom Coates: The Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas...
Tom Coates: We Are Here To Serve You