Tom Coates: Moody blackness - pier at dusk...
Tom Coates: Paul Hammond on Oceanside...
Tom Coates: Matt Biddulph on Oceanside pier...
Tom Coates: From the end of the pier...
Tom Coates: The coastline goes on forever...
Tom Coates: A mystery man had been here before me...
Tom Coates: Fire engine on Oceanside...
Tom Coates: There will be no gaffing around here, thank you very much...
Tom Coates: We tried to get Paul some blood worms...
Tom Coates: The pier at Oceanside
Tom Coates: Surf, waves & openness
Tom Coates: Tom Coates gurns for the camera
Tom Coates: Paul Hammond in Oceanside
Tom Coates: The pier at Oceanside
Tom Coates: Pasty Brit on the shore of Oceanside
Tom Coates: A wonky photo conveying an impression of near-infinite space...
Tom Coates: Arriving in Oceanside...
Tom Coates: Pulling into Oceanside...
Tom Coates: On the train to Oceanside...
Tom Coates: Carriages at speed...
Tom Coates: Red, white and blues...
Tom Coates: Trains, drains, no automobiles...
Tom Coates: Bridges, blurring, light...