Tom Coates: Mr Jones waits for Fiona...
Tom Coates: Matt, Es and I
Tom Coates: And with a flourish, Cherie arrives...
Tom Coates: Cherie calms me down with a little vanilla vodka from Finland...
Tom Coates: FIona enters the room...
Tom Coates: Matt and Fiona: The vows
Tom Coates: Matt and Fiona, just married...
Tom Coates: Walking through the underground structures of the RSA
Tom Coates: The beautiful bride
Tom Coates: The newly married couple
Tom Coates: James and Paul mug for the camera...
Tom Coates: The ravishing Celia Romaniuk
Tom Coates: Cait Hurley shortly after the ceremony
Tom Coates: Marko Ahtissari
Tom Coates: Who is this hot bitch?
Tom Coates: Mr Jones looks rightly pleased with himself
Tom Coates: Phil arrives at the wedding reception
Tom Coates: Chris Heathcote arrives from another wedding
Tom Coates: A view across our table for dinner...
Tom Coates: Stefan Magdalinski á la Clockwork Orange
Tom Coates: Paul and James are tolerant of my moblogging excesses
Tom Coates: In which Matt delivers his speech...
Tom Coates: Ah food!
Tom Coates: Later in the evening, the dancing begins...