-plasmo-: throw up both hands, three wives later
-plasmo-: deal breakers - close up
-plasmo-: only god knows
-plasmo-: opening night
-plasmo-: you call that a back rub?
-plasmo-: obsession
-plasmo-: Francis Bacon double portrait
-plasmo-: portrait of Chopper
-plasmo-: expression of horror
-plasmo-: i won't warn you again
-plasmo-: this is a warning
-plasmo-: this is it, there is no more
-plasmo-: the scarecrow
-plasmo-: opening night
-plasmo-: in the living room
-plasmo-: miss spider flex
-plasmo-: expressions of horror #3
-plasmo-: quiet as a mouse
-plasmo-: thick skin motive - close up
-plasmo-: going out tonight | expressions of horror #2
-plasmo-: lady in luck | expressions of horror
-plasmo-: rambo
-plasmo-: opening night