Leticia Golubov: Mestres João Grande and Moa do Katendê together in London
Leticia Golubov: Magical moment
Leticia Golubov: Mestres Moa do Katendê and João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Mestres Moa do Katendê and João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Getting ready for music class
Leticia Golubov: Event Photo by Suzannah
Leticia Golubov: Music Class with Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Music Class with Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Music Class with Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Music Class with Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Music Class with Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Music Class with Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Music Class with Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Music Class with Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Music Class with Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Music Class with Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Music Class with Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Mestre Moa do Katendê Music Class
Leticia Golubov: Mestre Moa do Katendê Music Class
Leticia Golubov: Sitting next to Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Class with Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Women only bateria with Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Women only bateria with Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Roda with Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Roda with Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Roda with Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: 15Oct2017-LelesingingMeuSenhorMandouChamar
Leticia Golubov: Paturi_04
Leticia Golubov: Roda with Mestre João Grande
Leticia Golubov: Handing berimbau I had been playing to Mestre João Grande