Plashing Vole:
Plashing Vole:
Plashing Vole:
M Wynn Thomas 1 DSC_7378
Plashing Vole:
Plashing Vole:
Plashing Vole:
Plashing Vole:
Plashing Vole:
Plashing Vole:
Plashing Vole:
M Wynn Thomas Prize - Kirsti Bohata DSC_7393
Plashing Vole:
M Wynn Thomas Prize - Kirsti Bohata DSC_7395
Plashing Vole:
M Wynn Thomas Prize - Kirsti Bohata DSC_7397
Plashing Vole:
Rita Singer, launching Gladys of Harlech DSC_7401
Plashing Vole:
Rita Singer 2 DSC_7403
Plashing Vole:
Roger Scully DSC_7406
Plashing Vole:
Roger Scully 2 DSC_7408
Plashing Vole:
Roger Scully 3 DSC_7410
Plashing Vole:
Roger Scully 4 DSC_7411
Plashing Vole:
Roger Scully 5 DSC_7413
Plashing Vole:
Roger Scully 6 DSC_7416
Plashing Vole:
Roger Scully 7 DSC_7418
Plashing Vole:
Roger Scully 8 DSC_7419
Plashing Vole:
Neuadd Gregynog DSC_7425
Plashing Vole:
Glade DSC_7426
Plashing Vole:
Dappled woodland DSC_7432
Plashing Vole:
Woods DSC_7433
Plashing Vole:
After the rain 1 DSC_7434
Plashing Vole:
After the rain 2 DSC_7435
Plashing Vole:
After the rain 3 DSC_7437
Plashing Vole:
Bluebells 1 DSC_7442