planted city:
Downtown Vancouver from Grouse Mountain
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laceleaf maple | vancouver, bc
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spanish banks
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sea gull
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sea to sky highway, howe sound
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morning sun | vancouver, bc
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from jericho beach to downtown
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black tusk, garibaldi park
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hello fall, how ya doin'? | vancouver, bc
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greenroof on city farmer cob building
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whistler green roof
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Sunset @ Iona Regional Park
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whistler, last day of the season 2009-2010
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cook street | victoria, bc
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flowering plum
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vanier park sunset, vancouver
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gettin' grizzly in the capital iron parking lot
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inlet trail & estuary | port moody
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vanier park as seen from the eyes of a canada goose
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prospect point looking towards the sunshine coast
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crocuses rising
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crows perched in the maple | stanley park, vancouver
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stanley park seawall
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first nations totems @stanley park
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kits point in september | vancouver
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Earth! at the convention centre
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false creek wing stretchin'