Plantains & Kimchi: forget your shiny shoes
Plantains & Kimchi: passenger's view
Plantains & Kimchi: best camera? the one with you
Plantains & Kimchi: where out thou
Plantains & Kimchi: fried cod @ Icelandic Fish & Chips, Reykjavik
Plantains & Kimchi: it's not fun without her
Plantains & Kimchi: smoked puffin @ Hotel Ranga, Iceland
Plantains & Kimchi: my nose looks fat with this hat
Plantains & Kimchi: Icelandic Bodega
Plantains & Kimchi: grilled scallops @ Sagreifinn, Iceland
Plantains & Kimchi: Icelandic lobster bisque @ Sagreifinn, Iceland
Plantains & Kimchi: Icelandic lobster @ Fjorubordid, Iceland