Plantains & Kimchi:
metro- Washington, DC
Plantains & Kimchi:
passing time
Plantains & Kimchi:
Plantains & Kimchi:
Plantains & Kimchi:
on the floor 2nd 1/2 floor
Plantains & Kimchi:
shoe service
Plantains & Kimchi:
Plantains & Kimchi:
the writing is on....
Plantains & Kimchi:
FREEdom of the press
Plantains & Kimchi:
first in line
Plantains & Kimchi:
old post office building
Plantains & Kimchi:
agave chair
Plantains & Kimchi:
Mexcal Anejo/ De Gusano, Tequila
Plantains & Kimchi:
Pineapples @ The United States Botanical Garden
Plantains & Kimchi:
Martin Luther King Jr. Library, Washington DC