Some members of Nyaribari Central Self Help Group based at Nyan'geni Village in Kisii weeding their Jacaranda mimesfolia seedlings.
Some members of the community and farmers from Njokerio area in Njoro who attended a one day training in agroforestry. The members expressed gratitude to TREES for facilitating that workshop
Igare community members and Igare Rural Development Organization carrying seedlings of Leucaena leucocephala to be planted in their farms. These members will benefit through increased milk production and low expendature on dairy meals.
Beatrice and other community members at Keigamere village in kisii carrying seedlings of various species to be planted on their farms. these will be used for fuelwood and timber
Igare Rural Development Organization's members at Igare village in Kisii uprooting seedlings of Markhamia lutea and Leucaena leucocephala. These seedlings were raised through barestem method
Kids and members of Sky Campy V Youth Group in Kisii carrying Moringa oleifera seedlings which will be planted in their farms.
Members of Sky Campy V Youth Group at Gerere Village in kisii pricking out their leucaena leucocephala and Grevillea robusta seedlings to transfer to their seedlings
Members of Eseriani Tree Nursery at Oltikambu village in Narok county after a training on agroforestry for livestock management where by they will create fodder plots
Members of Igare Rural Development Organization at Keigamere Primary School after a training on tree nursery establishment and agroforestry. The project is located in Kisii County.
Members of Igare Rural Development Organization on a training session which is based on agroforestry tree species and nursery management. The project is located in Kisii County
School kids,teachers and members of Igare Rural Development Organization at Keigamere Primary School in Kisii during a training session which was organized to training community members in agroforestry
Members of Mokwerero Environmental Action Self Help Group at kenyerere village in Kisii at their Grevillea robusta planted 3 years ago.
Dickosn teaching children of Nyanturago Pri.Sch in Kisii on how to mulch a nursery.Their Teacher,Beninnah looking on. These pupils are interested in learning about importance of trees.
School students at Nyanturago Primary School in Masaba District carrying water to water their tree seedlings.
School girls at Nyanturago Primary School on a training on how to make a shade on the tree nursey and overall nursery management
A teacher and pipuls at Gianchere Farm primary school in kisii receiving agroforestry training manual.By tftf
Children and their parents at Kenyambi village in Kisii receiving a 'Panga' this being some of equipments donated by Trees for the Future to the community.
Women of Nyakwerigeria 2 Tree Project at Mwamisoko viilage in Kisii,carrying their Podocupurs seedlings for transplanting
Women of Nyakwerigeria 2 Tree Project at Mwamisoko village in Kisii South District weeding their Podocarpus falcatus seedlings.
Nyakwerigeria 2 Tree Project at Mwamisoko village in Kisii receiving a watering , these equipments were donated by Trees for the Future.
Women and Trees.Members of Nyakwerigeria 2 Tree Project at Mwamisoko villlage in Kisii South District are being trained on Nitrogen fixing trees
Community members in the large Kisii at Keumbu chiefs' hall after a workshop which dealt on conservation techniques .