treesftf: Don Juan Rodriguez with 19 month old Swietenia humilis, January 2010. See adjacent photo for the trees progress over 8 months!
treesftf: Juan Rodriquez next same Swietenia humilis tree, August 2010
treesftf: Germination bed
treesftf: Nursery for timber species
treesftf: Gerardo Santos with 19 month old Acrocarpus in San Isidro
treesftf: Trees technician Gerardo Santos extracign seed of Perimineum Grande
treesftf: Demonstration plot showing growth habits of different trees in El Paraiso
treesftf: rows of trees planted in old coffee plantations above watershe dof El Paraiso
treesftf: View of individual tree planted in Paraiso watershed
treesftf: Individual seedling of Kaya in watershed of Paraiso
treesftf: Avacadoe in watershe dof Paraiso
treesftf: Sapling of Tababuia spp planted above watershed in Altiplano of Danli seeds from 2007
treesftf: Nelson Palacios
treesftf: Pasture scheduled for reforestation
treesftf: Pasture to be reforested
treesftf: Area to be converted to alley cropping
treesftf: Jose Hilario in a family Garden in the community of El Zapotal
treesftf: Nursery for timber species
treesftf: Germination bed
treesftf: Milk producers group in San Nicolas Intibucá
treesftf: Community member in san Nicolas showing 6 month old Gravilea robusta
treesftf: 1 year old Calliandra calothyrus in San Nicolas Intibucá
treesftf: Bull used for breeding in San Nicolas Intibuca
treesftf: Old pastures in San Nicolas Intibucá
treesftf: Pastures in San Nicolas Intibucá
treesftf: Nursery in San Julian Danli
treesftf: Timber species in San Julian, Danli
treesftf: Coffee nursery and IHCAFE technicians in San Julian, Danli
treesftf: 2 month old Juglans olanchano, Agua fria Mineral
treesftf: Nursery in El Paraiso