planetmithi: Curious sketches
planetmithi: 365:207 Eat Trees
planetmithi: Absract in sketchbook 1
planetmithi: Absract in sketchbook 2
planetmithi: Absract in sketchbook 4
planetmithi: Absract in sketchbook 3
planetmithi: leaves
planetmithi: You must have a rough idea of the time, to believe a clock 1
planetmithi: You must have a rough idea of the time, to believe a clock 2
planetmithi: Character development
planetmithi: Abstract book
planetmithi: "Integrated solutions" .... uhuh
planetmithi: Mmmm... 3D
planetmithi: Judy Boone
planetmithi: Roger Shears
planetmithi: Christopher Boone
planetmithi: Pieces
planetmithi: Curios Incident final spread 2
planetmithi: Curious incident final spread 1
planetmithi: Haroun Blue final
planetmithi: Haroun colour final