sbeals: Scrub Jay
sbeals: Chipping_sparrow
sbeals: Bachman's Warbler
sbeals: Black-capped Vireo
sbeals: Vermivora bachmanii_ nest with eggs NMNH_B45224
sbeals: Ammodramus_Henslowii
sbeals: Sayornis phoebe
sbeals: Lichtenstein's Oriole
sbeals: Golden-cheeked Warbler, Kerr Texas, 1896
sbeals: Trogladytes aedon
sbeals: Emberiza_sulphurata
sbeals: Swainsons Thrush_Cornell
sbeals: cedar waxwing
sbeals: Golden-winged Warbler
sbeals: Tree Swallow Nest
sbeals: Baltimore Oriole, with fibers from blue plastic construction tarp
sbeals: Mellisuga helenae_B31577
sbeals: Two Brown Creeper nests
sbeals: Perisoreus canadensis capitalis
sbeals: Auriparus flaviceps ornatus
sbeals: Lanius ludovicianus gambelii
sbeals: Barn Swallow
sbeals: aleutian sandpiper
sbeals: cuban emerald
sbeals: Carduelis hornemanni exilipes
sbeals: Geothlypis trichas
sbeals: Rufous-backed Bunting
sbeals: meadow bunting
sbeals: Spotted Nightingale-thrush
sbeals: California Towhee (with eggs)