Eesomest: Discussing world events
Eesomest: Discussing world events
Eesomest: Aiming for 160°F
Eesomest: Approaching with forks or pitchforks?
Eesomest: Placing the turkey
Eesomest: Ariane at the sink
Eesomest: Out by the grill, turning a ham by hand
Eesomest: Making gravy
Eesomest: Hoping for turkey
Eesomest: Stair tread detail
Eesomest: Full house
Eesomest: Opening a bottle or two
Eesomest: Sandrine grabs some brussels sprouts
Eesomest: Guillaume points out the veggie-friendly dishes
Eesomest: Scholar's table
Eesomest: Cranberry chutney, all but gone
Eesomest: Pie for all!
Eesomest: Just desserts