Eesomest: Paris flies the shark towards me
Eesomest: Shark attack
Eesomest: Head at the table
Eesomest: Filling water glasses
Eesomest: David is trying to figure out where he's sitting
Eesomest: Paris chats up Marieke
Eesomest: ...and also hams it up.
Eesomest: Cookies!
Eesomest: Natalie and Tilly are working the camera
Eesomest: Herbie shows off his strumming skillz.
Eesomest: The swami helps out with new year's resolutions
Eesomest: Check back next year
Eesomest: Abandoned chess set
Eesomest: More New Year's resolutions
Eesomest: What it all means
Eesomest: The shark is in time out
Eesomest: Still working!
Eesomest: Bonnie wanted to take a photo of me
Eesomest: ...and also of this trio