Plan Asia: Not far from Remexio, Plan is also supporting young people to farm fish in local pools like this one.
Plan Asia: What we do today for the young people of Timor-Leste will decide what these children and their futures look like tomorrow.
Plan Asia: This is Dili, capital of Timor-Leste, one of earth's youngest countries.
Plan Asia: This family combs the beach every morning for recyclable rubbish they can sell.
Plan Asia: Timor is 120th out of 169 countries ranked by the UN for development.
Plan Asia: Youths sit on a wall in Dili.
Plan Asia: Dili is getting busy for some people - there are plenty of jobs for foreign workers and traders - but many local youths feel excluded.
Plan Asia: The simple life
Plan Asia: There are parts of Dili where cars get stoned, people are robbed and street gangs fight each other and stake out their territory.
Plan Asia: Graffiti in Dili.
Plan Asia: Acacio dropped out of school, but in 2008 he took part in a training arranged by Plan with a local radio station and went on to become a journalist and radio presenter.
Plan Asia: Acacio and friends at their home in Dili.
Plan Asia: Acacio researches, writes and presents his own scoops.
Plan Asia: Martina Soares Martines was on a Plan scheme for would-be hairdressers.
Plan Asia: In Remexio, Plan is training another 20 young women to sew.
Plan Asia: To combat violence, the UN maintains a police force of around 1,500 personnel, but they are scheduled to leave in 2012.
Plan Asia: Smiles and rulers
Plan Asia: At work
Plan Asia: Having a laugh
Plan Asia: In the doorway
Plan Asia: In the distance
Plan Asia: Smiles for all
Plan Asia: Learning about water
Plan Asia: Washing hands
Plan Asia: Peeking through
Plan Asia: Peekaboo!
Plan Asia: Looking up
Plan Asia: Happy faces
Plan Asia: Hello!
Plan Asia: How's this for a smile?