zeroblondal: Marlborough Sounds
zeroblondal: Marlborough Sounds
zeroblondal: Pelorus Scenic Reserve
zeroblondal: view from the bus
zeroblondal: Nelson church
zeroblondal: Nelson
zeroblondal: the start of the Coast Track
zeroblondal: Parson's Beach
zeroblondal: Parson's Beach
zeroblondal: Stu's Lookout
zeroblondal: Mr Squishy and Henry at Tinline Bay
zeroblondal: Coquille Bay
zeroblondal: snack break
zeroblondal: Stillwell Bay
zeroblondal: Anchorage
zeroblondal: Anchorage
zeroblondal: Michelle at Anchorage
zeroblondal: making friends with Mr Squishy and Henry
zeroblondal: morning light over Anchorage
zeroblondal: Torrent Bay
zeroblondal: nice house
zeroblondal: Torrent Bay