Plamen Yankov Photography: The little things in life that make you happy
Plamen Yankov Photography: Tomatoes and cheese
Plamen Yankov Photography: ideas behind bars
Plamen Yankov Photography: Mirror, mirror...
Plamen Yankov Photography: Mirror, mirror on the wall...II
Plamen Yankov Photography: What comes next?
Plamen Yankov Photography: black and white
Plamen Yankov Photography: To sing for the devil
Plamen Yankov Photography: Is beauty symmetry?
Plamen Yankov Photography: Winter portrait
Plamen Yankov Photography: The street made him smart
Plamen Yankov Photography: The see of stone
Plamen Yankov Photography: Do you dare to the other side?
Plamen Yankov Photography: Sweet curiosity
Plamen Yankov Photography: Going in circles