plaintruthiness: Super Mario McGlutton
plaintruthiness: Graffiti Writers' Wall by Twist
plaintruthiness: Calorie Counter at MickeyD's
plaintruthiness: Night didn't end well on Christopher St
plaintruthiness: Christmastime
plaintruthiness: Restaurant is so glassy they provide menu help!
plaintruthiness: Only a dollar!
plaintruthiness: Dark Chocolate Bacon Cupcakes w/Kosher Salt Sprinkles
plaintruthiness: Hell's Kitchen Window
plaintruthiness: Guess Where I'm At LOL
plaintruthiness: Carrie Underwood rides the Subway and shops in Chinatown?
plaintruthiness: Finally da Tree is Done!
plaintruthiness: Obviously NOT a gay architect for NYC gay bar men's room LOL
plaintruthiness: Kinda pleased how this garland came out
plaintruthiness: Ruh roh. Sunday Communion...
plaintruthiness: So inviting during blizzard!
plaintruthiness: Seven Sashimi
plaintruthiness: Me Today =)
plaintruthiness: I'm tempted! LOL
plaintruthiness: My Icy Matterhorn
plaintruthiness: Chucks Galore!
plaintruthiness: Telephone Pole Personal Space
plaintruthiness: Return of the Jedi
plaintruthiness: Spinach Avocado Benedict & Thine.
plaintruthiness: Domo ChadSF
plaintruthiness: NYC subway ad
plaintruthiness: One Night in Bangkok...Glitz Hotel