plaintruthiness: Boy London
plaintruthiness: In front of Westminster Abbey
plaintruthiness: Bali Bombing Memorial
plaintruthiness: Puppy Love on Train to Blackpool
plaintruthiness: Cuties waiting for the Train
plaintruthiness: Teens waiting for the Train
plaintruthiness: Bored Teen Ticket Taker
plaintruthiness: Bored Teen Ticket Taker
plaintruthiness: Bored Teen on Ferry
plaintruthiness: Scratch my Back Plz?
plaintruthiness: Cute Teen
plaintruthiness: Cute Boy Watching
plaintruthiness: Cutie Come Out Boy
plaintruthiness: LREI & The Calhoun School Kids
plaintruthiness: Calhoun School Skater
plaintruthiness: LREI & The Calhoun School Kids
plaintruthiness: Carolyn Maloney Cute Campaigner
plaintruthiness: Teens waiting for the train
plaintruthiness: #twink boys waiting for the train
plaintruthiness: Curbside in the French Quarter
plaintruthiness: Helping feed orphans and HIV+ kids at our Todd pa paa fundraiser in Thailand
plaintruthiness: Novice monks getting ready to eat a special meal we provided for them.
plaintruthiness: Helden voor de Liefde - Heroes for Life
plaintruthiness: Cute Blond Twinks on Parade
plaintruthiness: These boys decided they really wanted to be in my Brandenburg Gate photo LOL.