plaidleaf: Fun on Halloween
plaidleaf: Fun on Halloween
plaidleaf: Fun on Halloween
plaidleaf: Bunny
plaidleaf: Sweeny Todd
plaidleaf: Bumble Bee!
plaidleaf: Transformers
plaidleaf: Nightmare Before Christmas
plaidleaf: Optimus Prime
plaidleaf: Optimus Prime
plaidleaf: Bumble Bee!
plaidleaf: Transformers
plaidleaf: Sparklers
plaidleaf: Eeeeeeey!
plaidleaf: Beer is Good
plaidleaf: Hangin' at Ipanema
plaidleaf: Hangin' at Ipanema
plaidleaf: A wall
plaidleaf: Steve, autographing comics!
plaidleaf: Blurry Stairs
plaidleaf: Lucky Strike
plaidleaf: Train Through Downtown
plaidleaf: The Canal, scale model doubles
plaidleaf: The Canal, scale model doubles
plaidleaf: Bonfire
plaidleaf: At a bar... in... Norfolk?
plaidleaf: DC Metro and...?
plaidleaf: At a bar... in... Norfolk?
plaidleaf: Christmashannakwanza
plaidleaf: Christmashannakwanza