plaidleaf: First hay attack of the day
plaidleaf: ...All itchy
plaidleaf: Chillin
plaidleaf: Silly Buford
plaidleaf: Hayed again!
plaidleaf: Down the shirt!
plaidleaf: Chillin
plaidleaf: Making our way to the Patch
plaidleaf: Oh! Second Hay Attack!
plaidleaf: Got him!
plaidleaf: Defensive Hand...
plaidleaf: Oh man... to the face!
plaidleaf: Jessie protects herself from the hay
plaidleaf: Chillaxin on the Hay Ride
plaidleaf: That hay is a good look for you Michelle
plaidleaf: Runway Pumpkin Pose
plaidleaf: Some of the pumpkins...
plaidleaf: People and Pumpkins!
plaidleaf: Butt
plaidleaf: The scary abandoned van
plaidleaf: The scary abandoned van
plaidleaf: The scary abandoned van
plaidleaf: Hiking up the Hill
plaidleaf: Hill of Pumpkins
plaidleaf: Hill of Pumpkins
plaidleaf: Elongated Shadows
plaidleaf: Elongated Shadows
plaidleaf: Riding Back
plaidleaf: Wedged in the Pumpkins
plaidleaf: Wedged in the Pumpkins