plaidleaf: Bogarts, Back Room
plaidleaf: Bogarts on Thursdays
plaidleaf: Chin Scratching
plaidleaf: Livie
plaidleaf: Mikey
plaidleaf: Tater
plaidleaf: Mikey
plaidleaf: Undercurrant Shots are Tasty
plaidleaf: Tiny Car
plaidleaf: Mike's Surly
plaidleaf: Mike and Jen's cat Milo
plaidleaf: Mikey and Mauren
plaidleaf: white wall at night
plaidleaf: Mike and Jen
plaidleaf: Tim eating the back room sign
plaidleaf: Mikey!
plaidleaf: Carnation Face
plaidleaf: Thinking of Bogarts