PLAHUTA: have no idea who's buried here but I love the stone. Surprised, tho, that the rosebud at the top isn't symbolically broken.
PLAHUTA: wife Jane
PLAHUTA: wife Elenor
PLAHUTA: view of farmland surrounding Pine Mound Cemetery
PLAHUTA: Pine Mound Cemetery, LaSalle County IL
PLAHUTA: Entrance & exit of Pine Mound Cemetery, LaSalle County IL
PLAHUTA: Nugent John and Penny
PLAHUTA: Rogers David and Betsey 1
PLAHUTA: Rogers David and Betsey 2
PLAHUTA: Rogers David and Betsey 3
PLAHUTA: James Milton ("Mit") Skinner
PLAHUTA: Mary Skinner
PLAHUTA: Mary Skinner -- the small bird skeleton seemed kind of appropriate for a cemetery