PLAHUTA: Cinnamon
PLAHUTA: grandpa 1
PLAHUTA: breakfast of champions
PLAHUTA: intimidation by raccoon
PLAHUTA: Winnie the Pooh planking 2
PLAHUTA: Winnie the Pooh planking
PLAHUTA: Winnie the Pooh planking 4
PLAHUTA: Winnie the Pooh planking 3
PLAHUTA: having grown bored with the stuffed variety, he's on the lookout for a real live Villa Park chippiemunka.
PLAHUTA: At the foot of the bed, Sansevieria masoniana
PLAHUTA: A blast from the past found in a corner of the attic. Do kids even skate with these anymore? No keys with 'em, naturally. Isn't that always the case? We used to spend more time searching for a skate key than we did actually skating.
PLAHUTA: One Glass
PLAHUTA: Morning Shadows
PLAHUTA: "Lemme in! I obviously run this store!"
PLAHUTA: Post Thanksgiving -- putting up the Nativity sets & the sheepsIMG_0900ae
PLAHUTA: there are other things to do after Thanksgiving -- nothankyouverymuch to Black FridayIMG_0906
PLAHUTA: IMG_0930e S hallii and Singer sewing machine
PLAHUTA: IMG_0937ae S robusta