placenamehere: lovely day
placenamehere: this is new jersey
placenamehere: red flower along the swamp
placenamehere: east observation deck
placenamehere: path from the observation deck
placenamehere: trail markers
placenamehere: flowers on the banks
placenamehere: balance
placenamehere: tiger 2
placenamehere: flying lobster
placenamehere: hover[dragon]fly
placenamehere: tiger belly
placenamehere: fighter
placenamehere: Monarch
placenamehere: BUNNEH!
placenamehere: end of day
placenamehere: lush trail
placenamehere: no birdy :(
placenamehere: dead end
placenamehere: I was here
placenamehere: Woodpecker Swamp
placenamehere: border crossing
placenamehere: indigo bunting
placenamehere: cattail
placenamehere: cardinal flower