Rudaki1959: Yellow moss in my lounche set
Rudaki1959: Fun......
Rudaki1959: money
Rudaki1959: wallnut .JPG
Rudaki1959: try to play with water
Rudaki1959: Surprise bij AH
Rudaki1959: Reflections
Rudaki1959: Look what`s there
Rudaki1959: Cat feet
Rudaki1959: Transformer
Rudaki1959: IJskristal 2
Rudaki1959: Kristal reflections
Rudaki1959: Eggshibition
Rudaki1959: Love is..........
Rudaki1959: Gele knolamaniet
Rudaki1959: Gewone zwavelkop-2
Rudaki1959: Schotelkluifzwam_
Rudaki1959: StraatchampignonAgaricus bitorquis3
Rudaki1959: WeidechampignonAgaricus campestris3
Rudaki1959: weidewasplaat
Rudaki1959: Three parts joined together
Rudaki1959: Photografic Manuel-2
Rudaki1959: Three parts joined together2
Rudaki1959: Making snow balls-4
Rudaki1959: EU Building a Tower until the collapse