pkontopoulos: Myself and Nektarios on a break
pkontopoulos: Christoforos Korakas preparing for his presentation on Capacity4Dev
pkontopoulos: Aloha editor presentation
pkontopoulos: Myself in new trial mode look
pkontopoulos: Brussels in the morning
pkontopoulos: myself, nektarios, kurt having a break
pkontopoulos: Christoforos Korakas ready to present
pkontopoulos: Crowded room
pkontopoulos: Dries Buytaert on stage at DrupalGovDays 2011
pkontopoulos: Brussels view
pkontopoulos: Christoforos Korakas and Takis Retzepopoulos talking
pkontopoulos: Absolutely fantastic sculpture in Brussels
pkontopoulos: Sky view from International Press Centre
pkontopoulos: Cool calendar
pkontopoulos: International Press Center where the event took place