peter_komposch - thx for 40 mio views: Karl Brunnbauer and Günter Halvax
peter_komposch - thx for 40 mio views: Jim Maddan at the EUNWA founding conference in Vienna 2014
peter_komposch - thx for 40 mio views: Marcel Zethoven (BPol & BPM) - founder of VAZ GLOBAL
peter_komposch - thx for 40 mio views: Slovakia representatives Kristina Grecková & Peter Grecko & Marcela Benusková
peter_komposch - thx for 40 mio views: Lone Harlev - Denmark 730 Danish Crime prevention council
peter_komposch - thx for 40 mio views: Martina Stöffelbauer - deputy head office of Crime Prevention - Federal Ministry of the interior - AUSTRIA
peter_komposch - thx for 40 mio views: Peter Komposch signs for safercities - Austria
peter_komposch - thx for 40 mio views: Erika Sallander - Sweden - signing
peter_komposch - thx for 40 mio views: Karl Brunnbauer u Leonardo Campanale u Günter Halvax u Gianfrancesco Caccia
peter_komposch - thx for 40 mio views: S P1040425 City Angels of Italy signing EUNWA
peter_komposch - thx for 40 mio views: Daniela Sisa - hidden stratetic planning in the pronachbar team
peter_komposch - thx for 40 mio views: Standing ovation to Karl Brunnbauer ending the session