Silanov: Monastery versus tower blocks
Silanov: Soviet architecture
Silanov: Defending the native soil
Silanov: Gathering of windmills
Silanov: Knock on wood
Silanov: Dependend on crutches
Silanov: Landscape from olden times
Silanov: Pall of smog
Silanov: Overviewing the lake
Silanov: Conquered by gulls and crows
Silanov: Cypresses, battlements and water
Silanov: Terracotta-coloured roofs
Silanov: Sour fruits
Silanov: Surrounded by water and rocks
Silanov: Protective walls
Silanov: Oscillating between restaurants
Silanov: Lake dwelling with view
Silanov: Chauffeured by a coachman
Silanov: Temple for aesthetes
Silanov: English garden dreams
Silanov: Brought to shape
Silanov: Family getaway
Silanov: Overgrown pond
Silanov: Wuthering heights
Silanov: Bronte country
Silanov: Traces in the grass
Silanov: Course of a stream
Silanov: A well-chosen lot for a castle
Silanov: Reaching heavenward
Silanov: The perfect day for a boat trip