Silanov: Octagonal bell tower
Silanov: Appetite for a coffee
Silanov: Tranquil place for monks
Silanov: April flowers
Silanov: Beautiful day in April
Silanov: Southern French atmosphere
Silanov: French savoir vivre
Silanov: Enjoying a talk
Silanov: Apple blossom
Silanov: Palace for oranges
Silanov: Smooth lake on a sunny day
Silanov: House of pleasure
Silanov: Ornamental bushes
Silanov: Springlike view
Silanov: Sheltered way to the pavilion
Silanov: A touch of China
Silanov: Sprouting greenery
Silanov: Just a village
Silanov: Well watered plants
Silanov: View on cherry hill
Silanov: Flower power
Silanov: I do not care for thy clothes...
Silanov: Three arches
Silanov: Order and disorder
Silanov: Restricted entry
Silanov: Scottish newcomers
Silanov: A touch of pink
Silanov: Floral get-together
Silanov: Sunbath after heavy rains
Silanov: Apple tree avenue